Monday, March 22, 2010

Internet hosts

CIA World Fact Book claims there are less than 4 million Internet hosts in the USA (about one-tenth of Japan) in 2007. [6] Is it true?
CIA defines a Internet host as a computer connected directly to the Internet; normally an Internet Service Provider's (ISP) computer is a host. [7]
Anwar 15:34, 18 October 2007 (UTC)
I doubt that the description is up-to-date, given that they talk about "hardwired terminals" and "institutional mainframes". The description would include everybody on an DSL/cable internet connection. Netherlands (16M inhabitants) is listed with 11M hosts, which would include all household and office computers. Weird that the US is listed with just 4M hosts. Han-Kwang (t) 22:19, 18 October 2007 (UTC) CIA lists almost 200 million Internet hosts in the USA in 2005 (about 9 times that of Japan).[8] This seems lot more reliable.Anwar 15:11, 25 October 2007 (UTC)