Thursday, May 26, 2011

how an individual start business in singapore

Any individual can start business in Singapore .before starting business in Singapore he must and should register under regulation acts i.e. business act or company act
If any person starts his business with sole proprietorship he should register under business registration act. And even partnerships also register under business regulation act
Maximum 20 persons may operate a business as partnership. Before registering concern name should be proposed for registration. in partnership partner name or partner names should be proposed for registration
If any person is willing to start company in Singapore he should register in Singapore under companies act.
In Singapore 3 types of companies are their
1.      private limited companies
2.      public companies
3.      foreign companies
In additional anyone want to establish representative office for main company in Singapore they should take approval for establishment for representative of from trade development board
In Singapore for incorporating company they should propose a name for company. the have to obtained approval for proposed name. Proposed name includes trade mar and patent name.
If any name is already existed unconditional written letter should necessary for registration from concern company owner. Or there is another option they have to choose another name for company

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Setting up new business in Singapore

Setting up new business in Singapore is very easy when comparing with other countries. Singapore consist pro business environment this enables foreigners to find easy way to set up a new business. Foreigners just need additional regulations and permits to start the business.
Singapore consist a open and efficient immigration policy this enables the foreigners to visit Singapore very easily
So many foreigners are looking for business opportunities in Singapore. But setting up new business iis very easy in Singapore
Before setting up a new business in Singapore they need to make certain preparations to register their business
Registration depend on type of business set up
Now Singapore offering most efficient corporate and personal tax regiments in the world. Personal taxes start from 3.5% only
Economically Singapore ranked 1 in the world .Singapore regulatory environment is more conductive to starting and operation of new business setup
Most commonly freshers should follow business registrations act and companies act to set up the new business
There is 4 types of organization we can start up in Singapore
I.e. sole proprietorship
Incorporated companies
Foreign companies
Other regulation acts and complete details will posted on next posting wait until continuation bye friends

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Malaysian tourism industry

Malaysia is the one of the most attractive holiday spot in the world. local and foreign tourists are developing the Malaysian tourism. Major part of national economy of Malaysia depend on tourism.malaysian tourism consist high yield tourism traffic
Malaysian economic growth depends on Malaysian tourism. It became significant foreign currency exchanger in malaysia.tourism became major revenue earner in Malaysia
Malaysian tourism industry attracting the investments and employment.goverthe Malaysian tourism industry.malaysian tourism is very good business opportunity for entrepreneurs, business owners and investors
Malaysian tourism profits depend on passenger arrivals and departures, mode of transport, acomodation market, and finally reason for travel
Finally government committed to support the Malaysian travel n tourism industry
Malaysia consist warm temperature generally from 70° F to 90° strongly influenced by northeast and southwest mansoon.generally rainy season from November to February and summer season from may to September
Now a day’s Malaysian government supporting the tourism industry. Government offering grants and financial schemes to eligible companies and individuals
Malaysian tourism minister yb dato sri dr yen has announced government funding o rm50 million for Malaysian tourism industry.