Saturday, December 31, 2011

what is euro crisis

euro zone area consist single currency. To join in this euro zone every country must follow the common monetary policy. All euro zonal countries having common monetary policy and common intrest rates. All this set by europian central bank. Unfortunately Interest rate is not suitable for whole euro zone because all countries  in euro zone is  not equal. in euro zone  few states are growing much faster some are  as much slower. Unfortunately  in Germany inflation occurs. By inflation progressive increases in prices occur Due to inflation currency value decreses.due to currency value decres europian central bank increases the intrest rates . this higher rates are not suitable for other countries like Portugal grees and Italy.

what is euro

          Euro is the official currency of the euro zone. Euro zone consist of 17 countries and 27 states. Austriya belgium, finland, germany, greese irland, italy ,netherland, spain, portugal, solvania ,spain, luxembourg, malta, cyprus frans, estonia all these countries are comes under euro zone . To join the currency member state had to qualify the terms of budget and deficit inflation interest rate and other monetary conditions  

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

what is brand loyalty

Long record of purchase of particular product from a particular company caused by physiological and emotional attachments with the company and its product is called brand loyalty.
If product cost increases customer buys the same product. Customer refers the product to others. Because customer satisfy with the product and he knows the value of the product
New established companies and products are difficult to gain the brand image company should wait for some years.custmor  always prefers brands what he see n what he listen n what he heard
Localities are divided into 4 types that is hard core, soft core, shifting, switchers
Hard core loyalty means customer always prefer for single brand, soft-core customer prefers 2 or 3 brands, shifting customers are keep shifting to one brand to another brand, but switchers are always buy the new brand products.
Brand loyalty increases by various methods for example using print and electronic media. If any company gives product advertisement that creates the awareness about product. And it occupies the place in customer mind.
Using rebranding technique to attract new customer and retain old customer.
Developing the customer relationship. If company establish the good relation with customers customer may come again for product 

what is brand equity

Brand equity is a added value that embedded on a product or service which influence the way of customer with the respect of the product
Due to brand Eqiuty Company have advantages like
Companies get money due to brand equity by selling brand rites to another company
Companies get large margin profits
Brand loyalty increases. Maximum number of customers became loyal to brand
Customers will not change the product in case of increase in price. Obviously price increases demand decreases but in case of brand loyalty price increases demand became stable
Brand equity measures in different ways for example measure the how much customer willing to pay extra for your product by this method your company brand equity measures. Focus on how many customers are willing refers to others about your product and how many are not
Brand equity and brand equality are different from each other
Brand is intangible asset. Brand is just an image logo. But it influences the buying nature of the customer. Good quality products having good brand image. If brand image is good customer attitude also good. If brand image is not so good customer also not loyal to product
Customer always for brand that is what he heard about brand and what he hear about brand and what he see about brand..So companies should create good brand image in market to get profits.

Friday, June 24, 2011

how to dectect the illigal foreign currency trading operators

They hire the smart and attractive employees so investors can easily believe them.
They offer easy way and high profits
They always look after potential investors. They always tried to attract the potential investors.
 Mainly they give fake and attractive advertisements in internet using so many various ways
They use trading tools to attract the investors for example scrolling news about exchanging rate reports. This can leads to give the impression about profession
Illegal operators place the attractive advertisements to attract the investors
They arrange their headquarters in overseas for fake work. so investors can believe the illegal and fake traders
They will arrange impressive office with highly infrastructure and impressive it structures
They hire the employees based on commission not for salaries. They will not provide any offer letter or any employment letter or stipulating employee terms and conditions
They conduct training to prospective employees on principle of foreign exchange trading and foreign currency dealing using dummy or fake transactions under an controlled environment, that controlled by professional operator.
They shows profits in transactions to investors
So investors be careful and don’t lose your money..For any other details contact me

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Illegal Foreign currency trading

Foreign currency trading is the activity of investing the amount or monies in foreign currency on any objective of getting high returns from movements of exchange rates
If any person wants to invest money in trading should select authorized dealing. Should invest wisely so that money will be safe.
If u invests money in through unauthorized dealer you will lose your money and u will be cheated
If any person invests money in foreign currency for trading it called as foreign currency trading scam. By foreign trading scam many people are cheated by unauthorized dealers.
This foreign currency trading scams are operated by companies. These companies deals illegally
Do not allow the unauthorized dealer for service in foreign currency trading. They will cheat in trading and everything and your investments will be loose
Most important thing for job seekers.dont go through unauthorized trading companies.tey will cheat innocent people
In my next I will post how to detect the fake or unauthorized foreign currency trading dealers

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Remitting Foreign currency

Foreign currency notes and coins are necessary..When any one wants to travel overseas they need foreign currency.
If anyone wants to send money to overseas they need foreign currency. Transferring  funds to overseas called as remitting. Should select the authorized dealer to transfer the money to overseas otherwise your money may not reach to other side
we can recognize the illegal or unauthorized remitting agencies by following things

 1)They normally operate on a small scale
2) They claim that they are able to provide remittance services efficiently, without the need for any documents or identification
3) They rarely use documents to validate and verify the transactions

Many online consultancies and financial intuitions and bank institutes are providing remittance service
if we want to pay the fee for student who studying in overseas we have to remitted the foreign currency. Now a day’s remittance services are became very cheap

Thursday, May 26, 2011

how an individual start business in singapore

Any individual can start business in Singapore .before starting business in Singapore he must and should register under regulation acts i.e. business act or company act
If any person starts his business with sole proprietorship he should register under business registration act. And even partnerships also register under business regulation act
Maximum 20 persons may operate a business as partnership. Before registering concern name should be proposed for registration. in partnership partner name or partner names should be proposed for registration
If any person is willing to start company in Singapore he should register in Singapore under companies act.
In Singapore 3 types of companies are their
1.      private limited companies
2.      public companies
3.      foreign companies
In additional anyone want to establish representative office for main company in Singapore they should take approval for establishment for representative of from trade development board
In Singapore for incorporating company they should propose a name for company. the have to obtained approval for proposed name. Proposed name includes trade mar and patent name.
If any name is already existed unconditional written letter should necessary for registration from concern company owner. Or there is another option they have to choose another name for company

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Setting up new business in Singapore

Setting up new business in Singapore is very easy when comparing with other countries. Singapore consist pro business environment this enables foreigners to find easy way to set up a new business. Foreigners just need additional regulations and permits to start the business.
Singapore consist a open and efficient immigration policy this enables the foreigners to visit Singapore very easily
So many foreigners are looking for business opportunities in Singapore. But setting up new business iis very easy in Singapore
Before setting up a new business in Singapore they need to make certain preparations to register their business
Registration depend on type of business set up
Now Singapore offering most efficient corporate and personal tax regiments in the world. Personal taxes start from 3.5% only
Economically Singapore ranked 1 in the world .Singapore regulatory environment is more conductive to starting and operation of new business setup
Most commonly freshers should follow business registrations act and companies act to set up the new business
There is 4 types of organization we can start up in Singapore
I.e. sole proprietorship
Incorporated companies
Foreign companies
Other regulation acts and complete details will posted on next posting wait until continuation bye friends

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Malaysian tourism industry

Malaysia is the one of the most attractive holiday spot in the world. local and foreign tourists are developing the Malaysian tourism. Major part of national economy of Malaysia depend on tourism.malaysian tourism consist high yield tourism traffic
Malaysian economic growth depends on Malaysian tourism. It became significant foreign currency exchanger in malaysia.tourism became major revenue earner in Malaysia
Malaysian tourism industry attracting the investments and employment.goverthe Malaysian tourism industry.malaysian tourism is very good business opportunity for entrepreneurs, business owners and investors
Malaysian tourism profits depend on passenger arrivals and departures, mode of transport, acomodation market, and finally reason for travel
Finally government committed to support the Malaysian travel n tourism industry
Malaysia consist warm temperature generally from 70° F to 90° strongly influenced by northeast and southwest mansoon.generally rainy season from November to February and summer season from may to September
Now a day’s Malaysian government supporting the tourism industry. Government offering grants and financial schemes to eligible companies and individuals
Malaysian tourism minister yb dato sri dr yen has announced government funding o rm50 million for Malaysian tourism industry.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Korean business

Korea is a region that formed a is located in east Asia.Korea is divided  into north Korea and south Korea..any how Korea competing with other country's very effectively.Korea following different strategy to improve them self's

Korea following internationalization policy to improve their means increasing the involvement of enterprises in international market..this leads to globalization..Korea earns the foreign currency it leads to strongness of their own currency

and 2nd polacy is external trade it means value of trade exchanged between 2 countryes
Korea having external trade with united states of america this leads to globallization...korein external marketing become very strong

another strategy is liberalization...korea has been changing previous acts and polacys to improove their business

every year Korea becoming strong in their currency this country following different trade policy..Korea is giving very tough competition with other Asian country's

Friday, March 25, 2011

companies and their new strategies which are applying to attract the young people

Now a day’s market is dominated by youth. All over world young people occupied 68 percent  in  the population.  all companies are trying to attract the young people. America, London, India Malaysia Nepal these countries are mainly dominated by youth. Mainly youth dominating in mobile sector motor vehicle sector.  Now a days 80 %of people are using mobile internet. This is mobile revolution
Now mobile companies are looking for new  strategy to attract the young people. in older days mobile consist only calling facility now new strategy applied to attract the people by introducing the video calling. now a day’s every mobile consisting the  internet option including with e buddy opera yahoo msn face book. This is the applied strategy to attract the young people
Even in cloth sector also they are applying new strategies like printing new quotations printing new figures to attract the youth
Most of the companies attracting the young people by applying sexual attraction principle. They are using different sexiest models to attract the costumers to purchase their products
In detergent sector most of the companies are using tolly wood bolly wood holly wood heroines to attract the costumers to purchase their product
In automobile sector the companies are using the film heroes as their brand ambassador to promote their vehicles
Even in refreshment sector also companies are using cricketers to promote their products
All these are  different strategies  companies are applying to attract  the  customers .all company s main goal is increasing the demand in market. But demand is depend on the price when price increases demand decreases price decreases demand increase. when applying new strategy companies should consider their demand also. now a days in mobile sector offering every technology with in 3000 rs. Mobile phones are available for lower middle class people also
Strategy like that company will compete their competitor 
On my next posting I will describe competition theory and game theory for any queries mail me

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

why the diversity training preferring all organisation throughout the world

Diversity training preferring in all organizations throughout the world because due to diversity so many problems raised
For example we will consider the age diversity .different age group people will work together in working conditions problem will raised due to age. That is senior junior problem so many conflicts will raised due to age diversity
Due to gender diversity so many problems are raising in most of software organizations in call centers in m.n.c companies sexual harassment is very common thing in nowadays this is main problem that facing every women in organization this problems arising due to lack of knowledge about diversity. Companies should provide the proper diversity training. Without proper training conflicts will raised due to this they will not work properly .employees cannot achieve their organizational goals
Conflicts about culture India too many cultures are there every raise consist different cultures south Indians culture is different from north Indians
Problems will rise when different cultured people work together. Laughing at each other criticizing about their culture this leads to conflicts organization environment will spoil due these activities so proper diversity trains is necessary for every one
Language diversity is the barrier in organization difference in language leads to communication problem.mis communication raises the problems it will harmful to organization
Religion diversity leads to big problem in India. in India still conflicts going on religion problem. Even in India Hindu Muslim problems are raising still. After serial blasts in u.s.a more than 6000 Muslims are detained and still no address where they are alive or dead
After this so many American organizations removed Muslim people from their organization .even now also treating something to Muslim people in u.s.a. And America also facing African American people problem
By considering all these all organizations are decided to provide the diversity training to every person who are working in organization new hr policies are introduced
Well educated and qualified person give the diversity training to employees. Organizations are following different ways to give training. Method of diversity training depend on organization only
Organizations are conducting the workshops for employees and they are providing awareness to all employees so employees can understand about diversity
By this diversity training hormonal relationship held between the all employees. Due to hormonal relationship every employee work hard and every one reach their organizational goal. Finally organizations get success