Wednesday, March 23, 2011

why the diversity training preferring all organisation throughout the world

Diversity training preferring in all organizations throughout the world because due to diversity so many problems raised
For example we will consider the age diversity .different age group people will work together in working conditions problem will raised due to age. That is senior junior problem so many conflicts will raised due to age diversity
Due to gender diversity so many problems are raising in most of software organizations in call centers in m.n.c companies sexual harassment is very common thing in nowadays this is main problem that facing every women in organization this problems arising due to lack of knowledge about diversity. Companies should provide the proper diversity training. Without proper training conflicts will raised due to this they will not work properly .employees cannot achieve their organizational goals
Conflicts about culture India too many cultures are there every raise consist different cultures south Indians culture is different from north Indians
Problems will rise when different cultured people work together. Laughing at each other criticizing about their culture this leads to conflicts organization environment will spoil due these activities so proper diversity trains is necessary for every one
Language diversity is the barrier in organization difference in language leads to communication problem.mis communication raises the problems it will harmful to organization
Religion diversity leads to big problem in India. in India still conflicts going on religion problem. Even in India Hindu Muslim problems are raising still. After serial blasts in u.s.a more than 6000 Muslims are detained and still no address where they are alive or dead
After this so many American organizations removed Muslim people from their organization .even now also treating something to Muslim people in u.s.a. And America also facing African American people problem
By considering all these all organizations are decided to provide the diversity training to every person who are working in organization new hr policies are introduced
Well educated and qualified person give the diversity training to employees. Organizations are following different ways to give training. Method of diversity training depend on organization only
Organizations are conducting the workshops for employees and they are providing awareness to all employees so employees can understand about diversity
By this diversity training hormonal relationship held between the all employees. Due to hormonal relationship every employee work hard and every one reach their organizational goal. Finally organizations get success


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