Sunday, March 20, 2011

Doing business in malasia

Getting to know your counterpart is an essential prelude to discussing a deal in Southeast Asia. Expect most of your first meeting to be taken up with general conversation. Sharing a meal helps you get to know your Malaysian contact, so does playing golf and going sightseeing. 

During the initial meeting it is a good idea to stick to small talk and general topics until your counterparts signal they are ready to talk business. Good topics of conversation include travel, sightseeing, business conditions in your country and food. Avoid criticizing local customs, politics or religion. Malaysians usually signal their readiness to get down to business by asking specific questions about your product, your company or the purpose of your visit.
Each time you re-visit the market take time to update your counterparts on what's been happening and socialize with them before getting down to business.


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