Sunday, March 13, 2011

Call Monitoring in call center

The system will report call recording of certain calls as defined by
administrator or supervisor based on certain parameters e.g. agent/group, CLI, type of call.

CTI (Screen pop-up) The system will provide an agent application (preferably integrated with the Call Record Management application software).  It will pop-up along with the caller information when the call comes to the agent.  The CLI will have the capability to popup all the vital customer data on screen as decided by Ministry MSME. 
The Agent will be able to control the telephony features from this
application like login, logout, away, pick-up, hold, hang-up, conference, and transfer to another agent along with the screen (voice and data) to another agent. Screen pop-ups will be multi-colored. CRM components, queries or call priorities will be recognizable by the color of the pop-up.  Entire login, logout, away, total call handled, data of the agent will be captured and produced as reports. The Call Record Management application software will also have the online monitoring display of the ACD queue(s).The CTI application will also record a ticket on each call for reporting purpose.  The docket shall be opened by the Call Center and will be closed only after the customer is satisfied.

Call Record Management (CRM) Application Software : 

The CRM application would have two modules   
1) Agent Module 
2) MIS Reporting Module
3.3.1 CRM – Agent Module

The CRM-Agent Module would maintain complete call history record of all calls received in Udyami Helpline since the first day of its coming into being. The application would allow agents to capture and display caller information, problem descriptions, problem categorization, severity classification, prioritisation, and complete status tracking with open and closed dates and times.

Main features of the CRM-Agent Module  application shall be as follows : 
a) It would support multiple host connectivity- local as well as remote.  
b) It will have a single interface for consistent customer interactions through
multiple touch points. It shall have a consolidated view of the caller to
ensure that each agent has complete knowledge of every interaction
regardless of the channel of communication.
c) Each call record would be uniquely identifiable  by an automatically generated  query number. The unique query number will be intimated to the caller so that the same number is quoted by the caller during his/her subsequent call to know the status of any pending query/grievance.

d) The caller details, e.g., name, address, contact details (telephone no., fax no., mobile no., email-id), age, sex etc, will be recorded.
e) Brief description of query/complaint of the caller would be recorded.
f) Category of each query will be recorded (e.g., query is related to MSME schemes/ technology/ training/ credit facilities/ facilitation services like material purchase/ marketing / complaint etc.)

g) Brief description of answer/solution given by Agent would be recorded.

h) Call Center shall have the provision for call escalation to level-II by Email / telephone etc.. The CRM-Agent Module would have the provision to generate and send escalation Emails automatically by the system with a confirmation from the Agent. There will also be provision for initiating automatic generation and sending of reminder Email for an escalated call for which reply is still awaited.

i)                  Status of call would recorded, e.g., query/complaint forwarded to relevant
level-II agency, response to query/complaint received from relevant levelII agency, reply given to caller & call closed etc. with status dates.
j) Response from the level-II Agency is recorded.
k) Database of relevant level-II agencies with their contact details (as
provided by Ministry of MSME) to whom the caller can be referred for further details or to whom queries can be forwarded shall be maintained using the  Back Office Database Updation sub-module and can be selected by the Agent from drop-down menus/ list boxes on the screen.

l) Facility for searching the call record database  on various attributes and combination of attributes would by provided.
m) The application would also have the provision to build database of FAQ and their standard answers.
n) Database of all calls received since start of  Udyami Helpline would be maintained.
o) Backup of the database would be maintained as per a well defined backup policy

CRM – MIS Reporting Module
The CRM application would have a report generation module providing various MIS and statistical reports based on the call records database as required by Ministry of MSME from time to time. The user would be given the choice to set various filters like period (from-date and to-date), state, district, type of caller, escalation indicator, escalated to and various other attributes and their combinations while generating an MIS report from the database. A list of MIS
Reports envisaged for the  Udyami Helpline is included in  Annexure-1of this document. However, this is not an exhaustive list,  and more no. of MIS Reports may be required in the course of time.
Some ad-hoc MIS Reports may also need to be generated as and when
required by Ministry of MSME. The ad-hoc reports may be required for various reasons including addressing a parliament question 

Working programe

working hours i.e. 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM, 365 days a  year, including
Sundays and Gazetted Holidays.  The Call Center would work on 24x7 basis. During the non-working hours of Call Center  Agents, a recorded message shall be played intimating the caller about the working hours of the Call CenterThe Call Detail Database containing the information about the personal details of the callers, queries raised, answers given, etc. shall be maintained on a web server. The database can be accessed from anywhere on the web by authorized users. Various MIS Reports can also be generated from the Call Detail Database by authorized users from anywhere on the web.

The Call Center would provide various MIS Reports and MSME would analyze them on regular basis. Such analysis by MSME is expected to yield vital field information about the problems/ difficulties encountered by the SMEs and entrepreneurs.

publicized so that entrepreneurs become aware of the facility and can make
use of the same. Ministry of MSME may plan such publicity through
Newspaper and the electronic media

Implementation Options

• An in-house call center requires investment in the space and technology to
handle the highest demands that are expected in the foreseeable future.
• The up-front infrastructure costs involved in providing customer service whether via phone, email or live Internet chat, are enormous.
• Backup systems need to be built to deal with system down times,
maintenance or repair Customer service is a labour-intensive activity and it requires on-going investment in recruitment, training, checking and other human resources costs.
• Personnel department ends up spending a disproportionate amount of time seeing to the needs of what may be a relatively small part of the overall operations of the Ministry.
• Dramatic shifts caused by seasonal or even hourly  volume changes also translate into high costs.

An outsourcing partner whose core business is providing quality customer care is in the best position to give the highest possible level of service. Agents are available 24x7x365, at staffing levels that are infinitely flexible to meet peak demands related to season, time of the day, etc. Working from documentation, FAQ lists etc provided to them, they’re able to either answer
questions immediately, or seamlessly transfer them to more expert second-tier help. The response time to caller’s requests and queries is minimal.


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