Thursday, February 10, 2011

5th p of marketing

• Price: What will the buyers pay?
• Product: At that price point, what features to include and what to do without?
• Place: Where do they want to buy this product?
• Pace: At what rate (how many, how soon)?
• Promotion: How do they know what we have for sale?
• The last P is really the first!
• Is the Profit sufficient to proceed - that is after all costs, is there enough margin
to justify proceeding?
• When most folks talk about marketing, they seem to forget all the first four “P’s”
and discuss models, signage, brochures and advertising, what I refer to as
• These first four aren’t glamorous, but are much more important than the last “P”
where we seem to spend so much energy and money.
• And, if you do them well, and do a reason-able job of promoting your self, the
rest is EASY


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