Tuesday, November 1, 2011

what is brand loyalty

Long record of purchase of particular product from a particular company caused by physiological and emotional attachments with the company and its product is called brand loyalty.
If product cost increases customer buys the same product. Customer refers the product to others. Because customer satisfy with the product and he knows the value of the product
New established companies and products are difficult to gain the brand image company should wait for some years.custmor  always prefers brands what he see n what he listen n what he heard
Localities are divided into 4 types that is hard core, soft core, shifting, switchers
Hard core loyalty means customer always prefer for single brand, soft-core customer prefers 2 or 3 brands, shifting customers are keep shifting to one brand to another brand, but switchers are always buy the new brand products.
Brand loyalty increases by various methods for example using print and electronic media. If any company gives product advertisement that creates the awareness about product. And it occupies the place in customer mind.
Using rebranding technique to attract new customer and retain old customer.
Developing the customer relationship. If company establish the good relation with customers customer may come again for product 


jonest said...

Great post.

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