Monday, November 16, 2009

How To Find A Perfect Web Host

Take into consideration that there is no perfect web hosting plan out there. We can back that up with the flat out knowledge that any one hosting plan does not fit every requirement, budget and web site, therefore it can’t be perfect. You can however find the perfect web host, that is, at least a perfect web host for YOU.

First do a little smart investigating as to exactly what you need from your hosting provider. Are you looking for cheap web hosting and have a small budget? Does your webhosting provider need to have a datacenter near you and have the ability to let you get your hands on a dedicated or collocated server? Well cheap web space is everywhere, you can find that easy enough, but finding the perfect mesh of the extras beyond just a server plugged into the wall and then into the backbone, is what will get your problems taken care of before you even knew you had them.

Taking price out of the picture for now, since cheap hosting is really available from any web host out there these days, let’s focus on the web site itself. What will you be doing with your site that makes unlimited data storage and transfer a necessity? Is your blog popular enough to require terabytes of bandwidth? Will your company web site be able to stand with one hundred other sites on a shared hosting account, sharing the drive and IP address, and connection for that matter? Your best web hosting plans will not always be the ones with sky-high limits, or no limits on your web site hosting, but will keep their web space and yours at a maintainable level in a catered-to environment.

Once you have determined what your web site will do for you, ask yourself, or your developer HOW it will do those things. Will you need ASP hosting on a Windows or modified Linux server? While most business web hosting accounts are beefy enough to handle hundreds or thousands of simultaneous visitors, will your database or cart that accompanied your ecommerce web hosting be able to take that much pressure? Simultaneous activity is one of the weak points in a cheap host and its ability to deliver reliable website hosting service.

With all your pieces of this hosting puzzle collected, now you can focus on finding the most affordable web hosting that can also accommodate your other needs. Never try to find the cheapest host and buy a plan blind, because you always get what you pay for. Select your web hosting service based on your needs, and then choose a provider and plan that fill those needs. You will be happy with your results and wont end up with glorified ftp hosting from some guy’s basement for $1.25 a month. Good luck!


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