Monday, November 16, 2009

What is web hosting? What do I need to consider?

What is web hosting?

Web hosting (sometimes referred to as 'web space') is a service which allows you to upload your own files and site to a server in a data center. Once uploaded, your website can be seen by anyone who is connected to the Internet.

What do I need to consider?

For a business website, you need to ensure you use a reliable host so that your site is always available for potential customers to view it. You also need to ensure that it is speedy so that your site doesn't take a long time to load (how the site is designed also impacts this). You need enough storage space for all your files and a monthly bandwidth allowance that will not stop people viewing your site. Hosting accounts also come with a number of e-mailboxes as well as scripting tools which your site may require.


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