Friday, March 25, 2011

companies and their new strategies which are applying to attract the young people

Now a day’s market is dominated by youth. All over world young people occupied 68 percent  in  the population.  all companies are trying to attract the young people. America, London, India Malaysia Nepal these countries are mainly dominated by youth. Mainly youth dominating in mobile sector motor vehicle sector.  Now a days 80 %of people are using mobile internet. This is mobile revolution
Now mobile companies are looking for new  strategy to attract the young people. in older days mobile consist only calling facility now new strategy applied to attract the people by introducing the video calling. now a day’s every mobile consisting the  internet option including with e buddy opera yahoo msn face book. This is the applied strategy to attract the young people
Even in cloth sector also they are applying new strategies like printing new quotations printing new figures to attract the youth
Most of the companies attracting the young people by applying sexual attraction principle. They are using different sexiest models to attract the costumers to purchase their products
In detergent sector most of the companies are using tolly wood bolly wood holly wood heroines to attract the costumers to purchase their product
In automobile sector the companies are using the film heroes as their brand ambassador to promote their vehicles
Even in refreshment sector also companies are using cricketers to promote their products
All these are  different strategies  companies are applying to attract  the  customers .all company s main goal is increasing the demand in market. But demand is depend on the price when price increases demand decreases price decreases demand increase. when applying new strategy companies should consider their demand also. now a days in mobile sector offering every technology with in 3000 rs. Mobile phones are available for lower middle class people also
Strategy like that company will compete their competitor 
On my next posting I will describe competition theory and game theory for any queries mail me

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

why the diversity training preferring all organisation throughout the world

Diversity training preferring in all organizations throughout the world because due to diversity so many problems raised
For example we will consider the age diversity .different age group people will work together in working conditions problem will raised due to age. That is senior junior problem so many conflicts will raised due to age diversity
Due to gender diversity so many problems are raising in most of software organizations in call centers in m.n.c companies sexual harassment is very common thing in nowadays this is main problem that facing every women in organization this problems arising due to lack of knowledge about diversity. Companies should provide the proper diversity training. Without proper training conflicts will raised due to this they will not work properly .employees cannot achieve their organizational goals
Conflicts about culture India too many cultures are there every raise consist different cultures south Indians culture is different from north Indians
Problems will rise when different cultured people work together. Laughing at each other criticizing about their culture this leads to conflicts organization environment will spoil due these activities so proper diversity trains is necessary for every one
Language diversity is the barrier in organization difference in language leads to communication problem.mis communication raises the problems it will harmful to organization
Religion diversity leads to big problem in India. in India still conflicts going on religion problem. Even in India Hindu Muslim problems are raising still. After serial blasts in u.s.a more than 6000 Muslims are detained and still no address where they are alive or dead
After this so many American organizations removed Muslim people from their organization .even now also treating something to Muslim people in u.s.a. And America also facing African American people problem
By considering all these all organizations are decided to provide the diversity training to every person who are working in organization new hr policies are introduced
Well educated and qualified person give the diversity training to employees. Organizations are following different ways to give training. Method of diversity training depend on organization only
Organizations are conducting the workshops for employees and they are providing awareness to all employees so employees can understand about diversity
By this diversity training hormonal relationship held between the all employees. Due to hormonal relationship every employee work hard and every one reach their organizational goal. Finally organizations get success

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

diversity in the world

it is defined as all the possible ways that all the members in the world even in work force,with in a country,even in a state different with each other

when we consider the India..India consist great diversity in India different people are living people with different languages different religions different colors every thing is differ from each other
 in India so many states every state consist different language and different customs this is diversity in India
 in united states of America also have diversity Americans are 2 types that is Americans and African Americans
 in Malaysia also consist different peoples in includes with Indians Chinese and Malayans
diversity present every where in the world

 we should have the awareness about diversity
 we should give respect to others
 even people are diversified in income levels also few people are very rich and few people are poor and few are middle class and upper middle class
 this is also diversity
 even in India south Indians are in dark color north Indians are in white color this is also diver sity
 diversity classified in many types
 that are  1 co lour diversity
              2 language diversity
              3 culture diversity
              4 age diversity
              5 gender diversity
              6 religion diversity 
              7 income diversity
              8 geographical diversity
when we consider the color diversity people are in different co lours red people black people white people this is diversity in co lour
 in language diversity though out out world so many languages are there every language different from another language this is diversity in languages
in cultures diversity only in India so many cultures are present lots of cultures are there each and every culture different from another culture
 age diversity,in this different people with different ages there is diversity in ages
 in gender diversity males and females are there people are different from opposite sex this is diversity
 religion diversity means so many religions like Hindu Muslim Christians this is diversity in religions
 income diversity people are different in their income level poor middle and hi class people 
 geographical diversity is explained as in the world so many places so many countries even in India so many states this is diversity in the world

problems for in new starting business in malsia

Malaysia is a muslim mejotity country.mainly Malaysia population consists Malaysian muslims called malayans and indian malayes and chinees malayes
every frieday is public holiday in malasis organisations because so many muslims are their.early Saturday morning every organization will opened
so many customs are present in malasia these coustmosa are very difficult to follow and these are barriers to start new business
when consider the muslim womens "they will not give even shake hand to a man  that is sin in their religion..but they can give shake hand to another womens
even chineees also present in malasia.chineess have a problem we canot maintaine eye to eye contact if we do they will became angry so we have to down our heads while talking to chinees
in malasis even indian are also present we dont have problem with indian we can give shake hand to anyone and folding hands together is very respectble manner that indians alaways follow
in malais another 2 types of tribals also present
so many foreign investers also very much intreste to start business in malasia because in malasia land rates also cheap
Malaysia govt started new policy to protect the Malaysians that foreign investors can start their business in Malaysia but 80% of the Malaysian people will case of very high level technical work they can bring 2 of technical workers from their country but 8 of the technicians are Malaysians
when any one cross the all these barriers starting business in Malaysia is very easy process so many financial institutions are providing the financial assistance to new once.there is lot of banks they will provide the bank loans
malaysian business developing authority will help to start new business in malaysia
all banks and financial institutions are providing very low cheap interest for business holders even they reduce their taxes
in older days Indian families and Chinese families migrated to Malaysia and these families started doing business in Malaysia after some years these families well settled now Malaysia country became well developed  country.Malaysia giving very tough global competition with other countries.Malaysia occupied first position in car and motor vehicle sector.high level and modern cars are manufacturing from Malaysia. most of the car carts suppliers are from Malaysia only
Malaysia is facing political issue problems that is ethnic problems why because Malaysia is Muslim majority country this problem was started since 1968.after 1998 the prime minister of Malaysia started peaceful programs to stop all these problems

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Malaysia – Business Customs

In general, business customs in Malaysia do not differ fundamentally from those in the United States. Frankness, openness, and punctuality are all valued traits in business negotiations and dealings. Visiting businesspeople should be sensitive to some religious and cultural practices; for example, Malay Muslims may feel uncomfortable in business/social functions where alcohol is served.

Many businesses and government agencies have working hours for a half-day on Saturday mornings.

Business cards are used frequently in Malaysia. Offer and accept a business card either with both hands or with the right hand loosely supported by the left. Spend some time looking at the card. It is considered rude to put the card away immediately.

Some Malaysian names are difficult to pronounce and it is acceptable to ask the person how to correctly say his or her name.

There is a complex system of titles in Malaysia. Titles are given by either the Federal Government or by the individual states, and are very important in the business world. Royalty has a separate set of titles. If a person has a particular title (Tun, Tan Sri, Datuk) always address them by their title.

Handshaking in Malaysia is relatively uncommon. Although Malaysians are used to the Western handshake, don't be surprised if the handshake you receive in return is weak by American standards. In fact, do not extend your hand to a Malaysian unless he or she offers first. This is especially true for women.

As Malaysia is a Muslim country, the business community observes traditional Muslim rules. Muslims are required to pray 5 times daily. Most offices, hotels, and public places have a "Surau" where people can go to pray if they are too far from a mosque. Friday afternoon is the weekly prayer time at the mosque and Muslims leave the office for Friday afternoon prayers. Remember this when scheduling appointments or trying to reach someone by telephone

Doing business in malasia

Getting to know your counterpart is an essential prelude to discussing a deal in Southeast Asia. Expect most of your first meeting to be taken up with general conversation. Sharing a meal helps you get to know your Malaysian contact, so does playing golf and going sightseeing. 

During the initial meeting it is a good idea to stick to small talk and general topics until your counterparts signal they are ready to talk business. Good topics of conversation include travel, sightseeing, business conditions in your country and food. Avoid criticizing local customs, politics or religion. Malaysians usually signal their readiness to get down to business by asking specific questions about your product, your company or the purpose of your visit.
Each time you re-visit the market take time to update your counterparts on what's been happening and socialize with them before getting down to business.

Political effectiveness in malaysia

Malaysia has experienced little political violence since serious ethnic rioting in 1969. Since 1998, supporters of the reform movement launched by former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim have staged a number of largely peaceful demonstrations. In a few cases, police and demonstrators clashed, but there were no deaths or serious injuries.
As the United States pushed toward a war against Iraq in February 2003, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir denounced US policy on the Gulf country, warning that a US-led attack would be seen as a "war against Muslims." At that time, Malaysia was hosting a summit of developing nations in the 114-member Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), which was set to adopt a declaration condemning war with Iraq.
Mahathir accused the U S of double standards in its contrasting attitudes towards North Korea and Iraq. Ironically, in early April 2003, Malaysia's own government accused its religious schools of teaching hate, not religion, and stopped their state subsidy. More than 125,000 children in Malaysia receive an Islamic education in such institutions.
The commission's long awaited report on the law, which effectively allows for indefinite detention without charge or trial, says it ignores basic rights. Malaysia's security laws date from 1960, a time when the country was locked in a bloody struggle with communist guerrillas. It allows for suspects to be held for up to two years if they are deemed to threaten national security. Police are not required to prove any wrongdoing. Detention orders can be extended indefinitely and are difficult to challenge.
In late April 2003, Malaysia's Official Human Rights Commission - Suhakam - called for the Internal Security Act to be replaced with laws modeled on Western anti-terrorism legislation. It called for any new law to outline specific offenses, for detainees to be charged or released after three months, for detention orders to be subject to judicial review and for the law to require annual renewal. As it was initiated by a government body, this report represented one of the strongest challenges yet to the country's most controversial law

history of entrepreneurship in Malaysia

The history of entrepreneurship is important worldwide, even in Malaysia. If you go further back in history, entrepreneurship wasn’t highly valued in Malaysia. They have different values than the Americans do.
Once a period of modernization to a point overcame Malaysia they began adopting some forms of American work values and began to accept entrepreneurs.
They do not believe in making profit for the individual therefore entrepreneurship still holds different values in Malaysia thus creating its history. While looking through various types of franchise writing, some franchisees choose to go with We Simplify the Internet because they like the idea of working for the "white collar franchise.
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